We believe every photo shoot is a blank storybook;

all that is missing in writing yours today is


Meet Your Photographers:

  • Glo hails from Connecticut (though she feels more of a free-spirit belonging everywhere). With over 10 years of photography experience, she has enjoyed the journey of letting her artistic side bring out the beauty in every photo.


    • Comics and fantasy novels

    • Animals (especially furry ones)

    • Holistic health

    • Pumpkin everything!


    • Mondays

    • Rude people

    • Soggy bread

  • Dave hails from Western Pennsylvania. Yes, he inheritantly is a Steelers, Penguins, and Pirates fan from birth throughout life. May this not be held against him (if you find pause for cause, know that Glo is a Ravens fan and deals with this daily). His passion for finding art and beauty in every corner of the world have allowed for over 10 years of photography experience. His military background has allowed him to see five continents to date and hopes to experience all before retirement.


    • Comics, board games, and card games

    • Philosophical conversations about anything

    • Rain on a tin roof


    • Rude people

    • Glass (his nemesis)

    • Forgotten leftovers in the fridge

Ready to start your journey?

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